#2 My Ceramic class in SFSU

I am taking ceramic class in this semester and really satisfied in this class. This class meet a few times a week for four or five hours at Fine Art building on campus. A variety of activity classes including Ceramic class in SFSU give a nice surprise to me since there are few activity class in my college of South Korea. Even though activity classes are activated in South Korea, students and professors normally have to find the proper off-campus place that can cover courseworks. In contrast, college students can take this ceramic class on campus, and the facilities for this class are well-equipped;even they have locker for keeping ceramic clay and tools!).  In addition, my professor in the class are very passonate and kind for students and give useful technics for decorations of ceramics as well as the process of making pottery by hand. Modeling some work in clay at the ceramic class room, I feel relaxed, confortable, and happy at the same time. If you guys have a chance to take ceramic class in another semester, I highly recommand this class.

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