#3 Indoor climbing in Mission cliffs

In last saturday, I went to the “Mission cliffs” in order to participate in my RPT class. It was a first off-campus class, so I was really looking forward this activity. There were a lot of indoor climbing courses from easy to hard levels. I and my classmates kept practicing the way of belaying. The most important thing in indoor climbing, especially top-loping, is to make trust with each other between climber and belay partner. By checking climbing gears with one another in order to secure safety and advising the flaws in belay process, we could fully and safely enjoy our time in Mission cliffs. Hanging by a rope in the air was quiet scared to me and my classmates, but we trusted with each other and were cheering any climbers on passionately.

Through this experience, I learned that trust can be formed by the procee of truly helping and chining up each other in relationship.

And I will the lesson to get indoor climbing keep in mind for a long time.

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