Amazing Spirit in SF state


We almost finished second class week at SFSU.  Once classes start, the campus get full of students and very busy and lively. Today, I’d like to talk about an important feature of SF state that I find in this week.

That is … friendly relationship between students! In IEEC’s first orientation, we were explained that the students had the spirit to hold the door for others. I still remember that I’m moved a lot “How wonderful”! The action should be based on respect to others.

However,  that spirit exists in not only holding doors but daily life and classes. For example, in most my classes, the atmosphere was so friendly and comfortable even though they meet in that day! Also outside of classroom, every students are interactive and help each other.

I love this spirit because we can’t meet this  situation naturally in Japan. Thus, I’d like to act like them in someday.





しかしながら、こんな精神はドアを持ってあげるだけではなく、毎日の生活や授業の中にもあるんです。たとえば、私のほとんどの授業は、その日に会ったのに空気がとってもフレンドリーで居心地が良いんです。教室の外でも、学生たちはみんななんの迷いもなく話しかけたり(e.x.授業中くしゃみをしたら隣の学生が “Blessing you”)助けを借りながら(e.x.図書館にいると、「トイレ行ってくるから荷物見ててくれない?」)生活しているんです。



Aki Igari



Aki Igari
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