Becoming vegetarian

I had always thought that becoming vegetarian would limit my choices in food until I became one. I was a big meat lover!
I didn’t become vegetarian because of some ethical principles. I simply could not adapt to the American food. The American meat didn’t taste good to me and looked a bit too processed so I didn’t have a choice but to stop eating it.
I haven’t eaten any meat for almost 3 months now and I feel great. In the beginning of my ”diet” I missed meat in my favorite dishes but after some time I didn’t have that need any more. Besides positive changes in my body (I lost 5 kg – I am ready for the summer season), I got a new hobby. Becoming vegetarian gave me motivation to learn about new recipes and cooking in general because I wanted diversity in food. And I have to say there are many amazing recipes that did not limit my choices but actually diversified my diet.




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