Finals and Library

Thanks God, finals are finally over!!

Most of my finals were take homes. Many people prefer the take homes because they find it easier and have more time to edit it and look for mistakes etc… I for one, am not big fan of take homes because I always take forever to write them when I don’t have the pressure of being in class and having a limited time to do it. I get distracted easily and most of the time I end up finishing it a few minutes before the dead line. However for the first time in my life I finished early because I spent dozens of hours at the Library. It was impressive how packed the Library was these last two weeks. I had crazy amounts of reading all semester so I spent a lot of time there and I had never seen that! During the finals week I was kind of wondering: “What were all those people doing during the rest of the semester??” haha. I guess procrastination is contagious x) However the atmosphere was very special, you could see that they were different kind of people: those who are focus for hours and don’t even lift up their eyes once, those who know they have to study but are exhauste so they nap, those who go to the Library to feel less guilty but end up on Facebook or watching tv shows, those who decided to camp in the Library and come in their pyjamas (wtf??) and many more….

Anyways, I hope that finals went fine for all of you and enjoy the Holidays!!

Andrea Cohen
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