How to attempt to make friends?

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Be my friend

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I’m nice I promise

So making friends is harder than you thought hey. Well it is for me anyway, which is odd because that never has really been something I have had to think about. I have never really been in this situation before, besides high school but at that everyone was going through the ‘friend search’ at the same time so people were way more welcoming then. Now I am in a foreign country with what I would classify as four good friends. However when I’m not with them this weird feeling of loneliness creeps in and it is quite daunting. Like at this point in time I am tempted to stand outside my building with a giant sign reading “looking for a friend” and underneath it saying “I promise I’m nice and not insane”. It is just so odd not being able to pick up my phone and message one of the friends I had at home and say “want to meet for coffee” without worrying about being rejected. And there is the thing holding me back, fear of rejection. That niggling thought of ‘what if they don’t like me’, ‘what if they don’t get my sarcastic jokes’. I know that this fear is doing nothing but holding me back but have you noticed how hard it is to shut that fearful voice in your head up sometimes, at the moment it is the loudest voice in my head. So now as I am typing this blog up I’m thinking that, yes that fear is stupid, I am twenty-one years of age and still scared to approach a random person and strike up a conversation. What a wuss huh.

Maddison Woodall
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