Muir Woods

One of my favourite places I have had the pleasure of exploring is Muir Woods. On a (really) hot day I decided to go for a gentle walk around the famed woods. In a pair of sneakers, a dress and a very fashionable backpack I was ready for anything (provided it involved minimal physical output) with this in mind we chose to follow a gentle, meandering 1.5 mile walk, which we all agreed was as much as we could stomach in the heavy heat. 9 miles later we decided that yes, we probably had wondered off our gentle, meandering 1.5 mile trail somewhere along the way, and yes, we were lost. Sweaty, exhausted and more than a little hangry (that’s hungry and resultantly angry, an affliction I suffer from frequently) we eventually stumbled out of the woods and on to the top of the hill we had been inadvertently scaling. The view was breath taking and well worth the hike and (thankfully) led straight on to a path that spat our motley crew out right where we had parked our car. Muir Woods was beautiful and definitely somewhere I would encourage people to visit. Although I would recommend wearing appropriate hiking gear and planning a route first.

Ariadne Fletcher
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