My Tricking Updates

I’ve been practicing tricking in between times. I kept a track of my improvements by filming, and I was happy to see that I am getting better off. Thanks to AcroSports nearby Golden Gate Park and the break dancers in hallway of the gymnasium at school, I’ve spent the productive time training and studying at the university simultaneously. That was a way for me to adjust to living in San Francisco as well. I got acquainted with wonderful friends through tricking and break dancing. I have one more semester to go at SFSU. There gotta be more time for hardships to come and happy trails to explore. I am currently a little bit insecure about my future due to personal reasons. But hope things will be fine!

Kouta Nakano

Howdy, it's Kouta from Japan. I am an exchange student from Akita International University and staying here in San Francisco for a year. I train parkour/tricking as well as studying International Relations. Photos will be posted to share with you the progress of my training every now and then. Stay tune for seeing my life in SF!

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