Okay America, Let’s Talk…

Long time no blog, sorry about that. I’ve had my first set of midterm exams, which were as joyous as they sound. I really loved sitting my first lot of tests whilst my friends back in Hull had just finished freshers week. I wasn’t jealous at all.

Let’s get down to business. Before I came here I was warned to bite my tongue about politics, avoid joking with immigration officers, and take anything broadcast on Fox News with a gallon of salt. You’ll all be delighted to know that so far I’ve had no run-ins with immigration. However, I’ve recently been finding it difficult to keep my patience with American media regarding politics.

On November 4th, the US held midterm elections across the nation to determine any changes they wished to see in their representation in Congress. It’s just like our voting days back in the UK, except there isn’t really the disappointment of a third-rate coalition looming in the distance. American citizens were voting on who represented their state in the House of Representatives (their House of Commons), and only 36 states were voting to determine who would represent them in the Senate (House of Lords). Some select locations also voted on who held governorship of their state, and various legislations that had been proposed within the area. Are you bored yet? Don’t worry; I’m about to get sassy.

In the run-up to these elections news coverage was pretty constant, and the ever-entertaining Fox News riled me first. Whilst talking about who is more likely to vote Republican, co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle began to argue that young women were more likely to associate with Democrats. Guilfoyle argued that they didn’t have the necessary “life experience” to cast a vote that was worth counting. Instead, she said that young women should focus on their Tinder and match.com profiles. (You can check out the video here.)

Not only is this massively offensive to young women across the country, it’s also particularly short-sighted. Here we are in 2014, 94 years after women were given the right to vote in America, and they’re still underpaid by a considerable margin in every single state. A 2013 study found that on average, women were paid 78 percent of what men were paid. The study also details how young women who were fresh out of college and in full-time employment were paid around 90 percent of what their male counterparts earned. These figures are even more disturbing for women of colour in the United States, with Hispanics being paid only 54 percent in comparison. Surely this inequality shows how women (yes Kimberly Guilfoyle, even young women) have more “life experience”, because they have to work harder in order to live.

When the midterm results were in and we could see just how passively disgruntled Americans were, the Obama-slamming started. Don’t get me wrong; I can empathize with citizens’ disappointment with their president. In the grand scheme of things, Obama hasn’t really made great strides when he and his campaign managers promised so much. Ultimately, I think that his campaign was too built-up, but that’s a different story. But come on, it’s not as if he isn’t trying to get legislation passed in Congress. You can criticize him all you like but the Republican Party is constantly blocking Barry O. It was only a year ago that the president was forced to shutdown the federal government because Congress could not reach a decision regarding the fiscal budget for 2014. Our beloved Bill Clinton did the same back in 1995 for the exact same problems (pre-Lewinsky scandal and impeachment), and both times it has led to the Republicans backing down. It seems a statement in itself that the president has to shutdown the government in order to achieve something in office. This kind of action was repeated this week, with Barry O using his executive powers (his free pass to do whatever he wants) to pass immigration reform. Again, people are jumping to criticize him with some major television networks refusing to air his speech out of protest. But come on! Your president is finally doing something he set out to do; he’s doing it in the only possible way when he faces a Congress that is now dominated by the opposition. Y’all need to calm down! Here’s a life lesson for everyone – you can’t always get what you want. They keyword here is ‘compromise’; you have to give up the battle sometimes if you want to have any action at all. If you want the government to stay stagnated and ineffective, then keep voting against Obama. Just stop barking at the Democrats for trying to make some steps somewhere when you’re waiting on the Presidential Elections of 2016.

And speaking of the Clintons, can the media please stop bashing Hillary? I’ll say it right now; I’m a huge advocate for Hillary Clinton. That woman knows the White House better than anyone else. She worked there throughout the Watergate Scandal, she’s been the First Lady for two terms, and has served under Obama as Secretary of State. Hillary knows what’s going on. So can the media please stop bashing her political beliefs and pantsuits? I get it. Maybe pantsuits aren’t the most flattering attire. But by God if the woman likes to adorn slim-leg trousers and kitten heels, then let her! You don’t judge Kanye West for wearing gimp masks onstage, so what difference does it make if Hillary goes to a tailor for her work attire? The woman is strong, independent, and understands how the system works. In my opinion, she is by far the most qualified to be the next President of the United States. Of course, the media doesn’t see it like that. They claimed that Hillary had the kiss of death when it came to her supporting the campaigns of several Democrats throughout the nation during midterms. Unfortunately, several of these candidates lost, which spurned the Twitter trend of #HillarysLosers – a hashtag that allowed Republicans across the nation to use social media to ridicule the Democrats.

So now that I’ve got that off my chest, let me clear up a few things.

1)   Whilst I have used statistics that show how women are treated unequally in comparison to men, I am by no means saying that this is a constant throughout every aspect of life. I fully agree that gender inequality swings both ways and there are areas in which men’s rights should be advanced to match that of women.

2)   I get that America is upset with Obama. I also understand that you want to see change and this comes in the shape of the Republican Party. Whilst I identify as a Democrat, I think you should vote whichever way you see fit, just be open to compromise in order to attain progress.

3)   I love Hillary Clinton. So should you.


Forever ranting to whoever listens,


Lucie Hudson
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