Status quo

I might have had the last lecture in my life last Thursday. I am so happy that I will never ever again have to go to some boring classes to get a diploma in the future. I am free to do whatever I want with my life now.

After 4 years at 3 different universities in 3 different countries I got totally disappointed in the educational system. I feel like only 1 out of 3 universities I studied at added value to my life. The teaching methods are just too old and do not satisfy the needs of the new generation.

It took me 4 years of higher education to realize how mistaken I was to think that education would help me in life. Yes, it does give me a paper. But that’s about it.  The knowledge I gained at the university is not very useful and relevant. Nowadays everything can be found on the Internet. There is no need to study and memorize everything. And you can’t really prepare enough for life. All you can do is live it. Things change fast. The situation is always different. There are always new ways to approach it. And books won’t teach you those.   Books don’t teach to challenge status quo. They teach you to maintain it. And it’s sad. Because it is what most of the educational institutions are all about.


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