It’s funny, everyone talks about their ‘third-week slump’ when they go on exchange. You know, that time just a little bit in where you start to miss everything about home and you realise you still have so long to go before you’re back in your...

Not being from the United States, Spring Break is something I had always heard about in movies and on TV but never really understood. From what I knew, it was one week of intense partying, no matter where you were, whether it was Mexico, Florida...

Before I came on exchange I had organised to share a room with a girl from my university in Sydney. We barely knew each other, only meeting in person twice before we moved in together, but I knew I would prefer to save money by...

Unoriginally, the start of my journey here was stressful and almost disastrous. You hear stories like that all the time: my bags were too heavy, I couldn’t find my passport, I almost missed my flight, etc. My experience was no different.   It started off with the...