International Study Abroad Fair

A thousand excuses for my absence! I will make up for the weeks lost by posting twice a week (for your enjoyment or boredom, you decide). You may think this is only because I have to fulfill my commitment, but I actually enjoy writing.

Life’s just been too hectic. Whenever I’ve attended an IEEC event I’ve thought about writing something about it; I’ve just never come around.

Classes are also slowly but steadily offering ways for you to show how well you know what you’re supposed to know. We know these offers as midterms and may not consider them much of an offer, but more like imposed “have-to:s”. I had my first one yesterday. Let’s just say it was over pretty much before it started. Easy classes are always appreciated.

So, today was the first day of the International Study Abroad Fair at Malcolm X Plaza. I hope you were there! If not, come around tomorrow! I’ll be sitting at the Swedish table from around 1-2 PM. Just come by, chat a little, or simply have some fika. We’re good at fika.

Fika: the Swedish way of indulging in stuff you shouldn’t eat or drink but love to eat and drink, like plenty of coffee drinks or tea, pastries, delicious sandwiches, sweets and crackers; basically everything that’s awesome for your taste buds.

Noah Kuchins
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