Written By: Mariola Menendez As we reflect on Mental Health Awareness Day on October 10th, it's essential to emphasize thesignificance of this day in our fast-paced world. The pressures of college, combined with thehectic pace of city life, such as in bustling San Francisco, can take...

Every Thursday, the IEEC organizes an International Movie Night in the Cesar Chavez Center. I've been to these Movie Nights three times and in this blog post I'll discuss some of the movies we watched there. Quién te cantará Quién te cantará is a Spanish movie about...

This week the sun came out, and so did the IEEC members, for the Study abroad fair.   Pictures by Oda Nedrejord   [caption id="attachment_2213" align="alignnone" width="800"]Study Abroad fair on Malcolm X Plaza. Tuesday , Oct. 15 and Wednesday Oct. 16, 2013. Photo by Oda Nedrejord Study Abroad fair on Malcolm X Plaza. Tuesday , Oct. 15 and Wednesday Oct. 16, 2013. Photo by Oda Nedrejord[/caption]

Nobody dares to say it out loud but we all think the same:" How the f#ck are we going to survive spring break?" The answer is: NOT. Not only is your bank account disagreeing with your big plans, you might also need a new liver, brains...

A list of successes --> No glass in the Jacuzzi. --> We weren’t short on alcohol even though it was a very thirsty weekend --> We only figuratively broke the house down so nothing and no one actually broke. Ok, except for some stereo, but who needs music...