A trip to Big Sur

McWay Falls

While being in California, Big Sur should be definitely on your bucket list. I went there back in September with my cousin. To go there, we drove down the highway 1, so even just the view from the car was astonishing. Along the way, we made a few stops. First, we headed to Carmel, which is a little town next to the beach. The aura and the architecture reminded me of the Mediterranean countries. There were a myriad of little shops, cafes and restaurants. After a walk on the beach and exploring Carmel, we drove to the Bixby Creek Bridge and took some pictures. My cousin is a little bit of an adrenaline junkie and he usually crosses the barriers to get a perfect shot. I urge you not do the same, since there was a cross on the ground because someone recently died at that very spot. Our next and my favorite place was the McWay Falls, because the view from there literally looked like a postcard. After that, we went to Pfeiffer’s Beach to watch the sunset. The gates leading to the beach close after it starts to get dark, so you better plan your trip accordingly. We kind of missed the sunset but the view was still worth it. If you want to get away from the city for the weekend and enjoy the nature, I would certainly recommend a trip to Big Sur.

Bixby Creek Bridge
Buket Bicer

exchange student from Switzerland

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