Another step forward on my American To-Do Bucket List

Yesterday, I had TATER TOTS.

Oh. My. God.

For someone who has despised anything connected to the word potato or its taste or its texture for basically all of her childhood (when I was little, it was all we ever ate for lunch or for dinner, and so I started disliking it. A lot.), this a major thing. I do like potatoes now. I like fries and I like steam boiled root vegetables for dinner. I like them plain or mashed with butter. But honestly, they are nothing like the way the tater tots tasted like yesterday.

I actually had them in the form of “tachos”, tater tots nachos, which was a place full of tater tots covered in cheese, sauce, chili and beans. Incredibly delicious. But there were a few uncovered by sauce that I could simply dip in ketchup and oh. My. God. Again.


I had them at Dr. Teeth, right on 19th and Valencia next to Cha Cha Cha.

You should go there and order them. Like right now.

Noah Kuchins
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