Are you ready for the summer?

Hi, what’s up guys! Even the final is coming still need go to bed in time!

Summer, what a beautiful word, means sea, sunshine and all the beautiful feeling in the world. Wait, speaking of sea, did you prepare for your summer body? Here I want to share my workout plan. Let’s go to gym together!

Monday is leg day, we do leg press, squat, leg extension and leg curl. 8 – 10 reps in 3 set.

Tuesday we do chest and tricep. Bench and tricep extension. Same 3 set with 8 – 10 reps.

Wednesday is back day, we do lat push first and then dumbbell row. 4 set with 10 – 12 reps.
Thursday is shoulders day. Raise dumbbells, do front raise and side raise. The shoulder press. 8 – 10 reps, 3 set.
Friday is my favorite arm day.

Soon or later, the final is coming next week. Curly bench curl with tricep extension, and the dumbbells arm curl and dips. 4 set, 12 reps.

Hope you guys will have six pack soon or later!

Yuanming Yao
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