Working in class and outside with study approximately nine am to ten pm every day for five courses, four in studio, and usually some on the weekends, helping my daughter with homework, she needs a dinner, plan when to go grocery shopping, we need clean...

  My daughter and I were so lucky to be invited to stay with our housemate and her family to have Thanksgiving with them in her aunt's house in Santa Cruz. After doing homework for some days, we drove there on Thursday in a car from...

  Even as an exchange student you can use your mail with name and address and walk in at the Zoo on SF resident Free days which usually happens the first Wednesday of every month. Just remember winter time it is closing at 4pm. The Zoo...

In my opinion, it would be just unusually weird not to say anything about the housing situation after living in this city for a while. I've understood it so that this is a more complex and severe political and socially problem for a group of...

  Trees with ghosts, balconies with skeletons, front yards with pumpkin faces, zombies and dolls, spiders and cobweb on windows and doors.. In Outer Sunset something evil started to grow out from deep within the sweet pastel houses. We had no idea what was ahead of...

  I decided to take my twelve year old daughter with me on a semester as an exchange student. This is what I remember from arriving San Francisco July 23rd 2015: One thing I noticed about the San Franciscans is that they are usually eager to...