Since i’m lacking poorly in my commitment (tnx IEEC) I’ll blog immediately.. Let’s talk a bit about Holland today (or the Netherlands, whatever you want), cause what’s up with all those damn stereotypes?! When I introduce myself and say I’m from Holland, most of the people...

Last week, at an ungodly early hour, I walked into Ritual on Valenica St., eyes half-open. It was the last time I will ever return...

WARNING: I might say fuck, shit and weed, so if your easily offended don't read my blogs (LOL) ;) Hi there! Last week I got the exciting news that I'm (one of the?) new bloggers for this semester. Hell yeah! Let's come up with some exciting stories...

This is a video I have made of one of the toughest women I've met during my stay in San Francisco. Barbara Jean Serra is a 75-year old security guard, working at San Francisco senior Center. Every Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am to 1...

I have spent some time in San Francisco going to estate sales. Some of them have been sad, some of them strange. All of them have been interesting. At one of the estate sales, I met Irish Liam Craig. Every weekend, he gets up at...

There are many things I have come to love about San Francisco. One of them is the city's music scene. Not only the music itself -- which is incredible -- but the way these events are put forth. Coming from one of the top three most...

November is here. Let's look back at what happened in the estate sale world last month, and what you missed if you didn't visit a sale (read the previous blog posts about estate sales in San Francisco here and here). Here are fifteen of the items,...

Halloween - the scariest holiday of the year? Halloween in San Francisco turned out not to be celebration of the dead. It was a celebration of plastic pumpkins and crammed parties. The kids had much sugar in their blood to behave. The overgrown Tinkerbells and...

No, I am not talking about going naked to a Halloween party. I am talking about not dressing up in a costume. Which, me and my fellow Norwegian found out, is the most important thing to do for Halloween! Coming from Norway where the Halloween-tradition hasn't...