City Lights

My daily struggles of trying to order water in the states peaked last week. At a restaurant I made the simple (or so I thought) request for “a glass of tap water please” a beat. A blank stare from the waiter. And then a slow nod. A few minutes later the waiter returned to our table with our drinks, and for me, a glass of boiling water. At this point I think it’s probably easier to just bring my own water wherever I go…


Language trouble aside, my San Francisco explorations are still going strong. This weekend I visited City Lights Bookstore on Broadway. I cannot stress enough how much I would recommend visiting City Lights. I spent hours (and lots of $) there, I even sat in a rocking chair labelled “Poets Chair” just to fill myself with a false sense or grandeur. Jack Kerouac alley runs alongside the bookstore each wall bearing a colourful mural, and the floor paved with inspirational quotes. If you are not interested in literature I would at least visit if not just for some top notch Instagram material.

Ariadne Fletcher
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