Comparing finals season

Back in Scotland I’ve only ever sat two exams at my home university. I’m a Humanities student so, naturally, we have less on our plates than those in the sciences, but I didn’t quite realize how small my end of semester workload was. That was, until I came to San Francisco State. You can tell where this is leading…

The level of difficulty in my work here in SFSU has been drastically higher. In a way, I’ve somewhat loved it – builds good discipline and challenges the mind more. On the flip side, it means a lot more stress I’ve not been able to deal with, bundled on top of having to wrap everything up for when I go home.

It’s been an interesting struggle and I think, ultimately, I’m all the better for it. SFSU has worked me exceptionally hard and I feel like it’s been really beneficial, as nerdy as that sounds.

Patrick Sproull
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