Embracing San Francisco: A Journey of an Exchange Student

Written By: Faya Beeldstroo

The adventure began when I stepped off the plane at San Francisco International Airport. The warm California breeze welcomed me, and I immediately noticed the city’s diverse population. My landlady was kind enough to pick me up and drop me off at the house.

I was crazy tired and already a bit jet lagged after my 11-hour flight, so I explored the house and got myself ready for bed.

Since I arrived in the U.S early, I had eight days before school started, so that meant: exploring!

Beyond its urban landscape, San Francisco’s natural beauty was a constant source of wonder. I explored nearby parks like Golden Gate Park and Dolores Park, hiked the Cataract Falls and went to the Golden Gate View Point, taking in breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge while also watching the sunset.

As my stay in San Francisco is relatively short, only until January, my goal is to make the most of my time here by immersing myself in the city’s culture, meeting new people with new energy, intriguing stories, and diverse perspectives. While I am still early in my stages of my journey, I find immense joy in exploring the city, getting to know not only its various facets but also discovering more about myself. What’s particularly liberating is the feeling of anonymity that comes with being in a place where nobody knows me.

It feels like a clean slate, experiencing true freedom and a profound sense of inner peace. 

Finally, the day was here: the start of school. It might seem unusual to be this excited about school, especially since I haven’t been in a while, but this time was different. Having spent the previous days exploring the city, I knew how to get around with public transportation and which bus I had to take to school. As we arrived at the University’s Muni stop, I got my phone out and activated Google Maps since I was unsure of the exact location of the Humanities building and also because I had never been on a big campus, aka maze, before.

I remember feeling a mix of emotions on the first day. A sense of being overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings, the different way of teaching, and the school system, but also felt inspired by everyone that I had met so far in and outside of class. I am glad to discover that many San Francisco State University students have a high level of motivation and enthusiasm for their studies. However, I must say that Americans might not be as open to new people as I had previously believed or it takes them more time to open up.

But the weeks that followed my time in San Francisco began to take on a more vibrant and richer experience. Through the Bumble BFF app and my interactions with fellow students at school, I started to form connections and started to form meaningful friendships. I am lucky to meet people from different backgrounds who each have their unique stories.

I visited some bars in the city and experienced the nightlife in San Francisco. However, I have to admit that I’m still getting used to how social and nightlife works here because it is quite different from what I am used to in Europe. Even so, I am embracing this part of San Francisco life, and am so excited for the rest of my journey here.

At San Francisco State University I started to understand the school system, how it worked and their way of teaching. I also got more confident taking the classes by telling the teachers that I was overwhelmed at first. Which they totally got and helped me out with.

As I reflect on my first month in San Francisco, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to embark on this transformative journey. The city’s diverse culture, the way of living and breathtaking landscapes has already left an indelible mark on my life. While the road ahead might promise some challenges and new adventures, I am excited to get to know more about the city, become more confident each day and immerse myself in the vibrant city called San Francisco, a city that has quickly become my home away from home.

SF State Abroad
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