Going home?

When I skype or facetime with my friends and family at home, I have to tell them so much. I am not that much of a texter, so the only news that they get from me is when I we make these phone calls. They often ask me whether or not I am looking forward to go home, to Amsterdam. I often feel bad when I say that I am still very much enjoying my time here in the States. Of course, the time limit also motivates me to go on as many crazy adventures as possible. And that feeling of “now or never”, also helps in enjoying my time here. So I tell my friends and family that I am looking forward to see them and that I miss them, which is genuinely true. On the other hand, if I could stay here another semester, I would.

What does this tell me? That perhaps, in my heart I feel more comfortable in San Francisco than I feel at home, or that I just really like exploring new places and cities. But perhaps the answer is a bit more simple, maybe it simply means that I should take that motivation to do stuff and to say yes to everything new back home. I guess that what I have learned from this semester abroad, one of the many things I have learned, is that I can create a comfortable space around me with people that I really like, anywhere I go. The key to creating this space, and to meet those new people that you need so much when you go somewhere new, is that specific attitude of saying yes. The people do not automatically come to you, as I recently heard in the movie Green Book (a must see): “The world if full of anxious people waiting to make the first move”. So to all the people that are going to embark on adventures, including the adventure of going back home, please stick with that motivation to do things, and to say ‘yes’ to as many adventures that cross your path.

Sterre de Wit
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