Halloween is over, time for Christmas!

Something I’ve noticed in the United States, is that the moment Halloween was over, people started preparing for Christmas. On November 1st I went to Target and already saw Christmas decorations, Christmas food, Christmas gifts and clothing. I thought this was really funny because the day before the entire store was full of Halloween decorations and Halloween candy.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor halloween candy"

Both Starbucks and Peet’s now serve their coffee in their holiday cups, Forever21 is selling Christmas dresses and in the middle of Stonestown Galleria there is a huge Christmas tree. I actually really like that people in the US start preparing for Christmas this early. Everybody (well, most people) love Christmas, so why not start earlier with the festivities? Christmas makes a lot of people very happy, so it’s nice that people can be in the Christmas spirit for two months.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor holiday cups starbucks"

A girl I met at school today told me she would start decorating for Christmas that afternoon. She told me she was actually late, because last year she started decorating on November 1st. In the Netherlands, people usually put their Christmas tree up and start decorating on December 6th, because on December 5th we celebrate ‘Sinterklaas‘. Right now in the Dutch stores there are probably some Christmas themed items, but most of them will be Sinterklaas themed.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Sinterklaas"
Sinterklaas on his horse Amerigo

Aimee Kniese
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