How to Handle Midterm Stress

Hello there fellow IEEC’ers,

Have you survived your midterms? Or are you, just like me, still in the middle of finishing them?

Here are some tips on how to handle midterm stress. According to my Holistic Health Course, for which I’m studying right now (hehe), these should help you out.

1.       Eat healthy!

I can already hear you laughing. Eat healthy? Midterms are often a period in which we indulge ourselves in snacks, as a way to escape or reward the studying we have been doing. However, unhealthy food stresses the body and will not help you further. Hence, try to eat some healthy snacks as a way to reward yourself and your body! Trader Joe’s offers a lot of these. And a nice coffee every now and then will of course hurt nobody.


2.       Exercise

Once again, I can hear you thinking: exercise? But especially during stressful periods, it can be nice to go out and exercise, so you can let some steam off. If you don’t have the time to go for a full training session, try to do 30 minutes of cardio.

3.       Share notes

Sharing notes can be extremely helpful, as we all notice different things when listening to lectures. Moreover, notes can help you save time as you don’t have to review the summarized chapters yourself. Share notes with your fellow students and try to make a division of who extensively studies what!

4.       Chill

Yes yes my fellow student, you also deserve to chill. Plan and structure your day so you have enough time to study for your subjects, but also to relax and enjoy your  meals. A good way of doing this is by setting specific goals of what you want to achieve in your time in the library!

I hope these quick tips help you get through the midterms. No stress, you will survive!



P.S. don’t forget to celebrate when you’ve finished your last midterms.


Julie van Loef
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