How to make the most of going home

I’m going home in less than a week and it’s been a weird thing to consider. On the one hand, words can’t express how excited I am to see my cat again (and others) but I love my life here in San Francisco, and I’m a little worried about readjusting when I come back in January. So I’ve assembled a few tips for making the most of going home.

  • First up, make the most of the foods you’ve missed. I have missed Cadbury’s, Heinz baked beans and my dad’s cooking so will be eating as much of this as possible.
  • As it’s Christmas I’m going to make as much time as possible for my family – and I’ll try not to get tired of giving the same anecdotes about San Francisco to my relatives.
  • See my friends again and make sure I don’t drown them in memes and running jokes from San Francisco. I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of someone else’s endless stories about their time at another university, and it’s great at first but when it’s repetitious it can get tiring.
  • Remember I’ll have to leave again. One crucial thing is not to forget that it’s only a brief holiday home then I need to return to study. I can’t get too adjusted to my life back in Scotland again – but I honestly can’t wait to be back in San Francisco, anyway.


Patrick Sproull
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