Limey in Fog City: Seattle

If you get the chance to while your here, make sure to visit Seattle (preferably in the Summer months), its just ridiculously green and ridiculously beautiful. I took the decision to fly up there and visit a friend who was doing some coding work up there, and I didn’t regret it. Seattle really has everything, outdoors, Urban activity, and awesome views. The city has potentially the best coffee I’ve ever tasted in my life, and as well as this, it is a highly liberal city.

While I was there I went up the Seattle Space Needle (I can’t recommend doing this enough), as well as being a cool and iconic structure, the Space Needle offers an unbelievable panoramic view of the City and its surrounding natural beauty (such as Mount Rainier). As well as this I walked along the beach overlooking Puget Sound, and I also took a look a tour of the Seattle Seahawks stadium.


Ben Walker
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