Moma n Out

I know this happened some time ago, but I completely forgot to write about the past19th of September, which was a very special day for me. That Thursday I visited two amazing and very iconic yet different places here in San Francisco: SFMOMA and In n Out.

It turns out that last 19th September was a special day at MOMA. This day is called Culture for Community and it’s a free day. Everyone that wants to visit the MOMA that day can do it with absolutely no charge. Considering that I’m a student who has not much money, it was the perfect day for me to go. So, that day, my flatmates and I decided to go visiting the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

I should say that I’m not an expert in art, not even close. I like art and I have visited many museums but my actual knowledge about it is kind of weak. But I’ll give you my honest and humble opinion as an amateur visitor. There are a lot of different exhibitions of different artists. You can find pieces of Andy Warhol, Bruce Naumann or Dan Flavin. I love these last three because of their colorful artwork. But the part that I like the most was an exhibition named Don’t! Photography and the Art of Mistakes. In that exhibition, you can find photographs made by Man Ray, Florence Henri or Lisette Model, among others. The theme of this exhibition is kind of special: turning technical mistakes into something beautiful. Double exposure, lens flare and motion blur are things that, traditionally, would be considered as mistakes and the photographs that have them would be faulty. But this new generation of artists take those mistakes and turn them into art by making them look aesthetic. I love a series of photographs that were based on shadows. I also like very much the work of an artist named Ron Mueck, especially a giant head of a man sleeping. It was so realistic that it seemed to me that it was going to wake up any minute! One of my flatmates took some amazing pictures of them that I’ll show at the bottom of this post. They were incredible!

After a nice afternoon at the SFMOMA, we went to one of the most iconic symbols of California: In n Out Burger. We were starving by the time we get there, so we enjoy the food very much. Nevertheless, I might say that the cheese fries were kind of disappointing. The cheese was too artificial and the fries were soft and weird. But the burgers were delicious. I understand the fame of them.

So, in conclusion, I have an amazing afternoon and evening, first watching beautiful pieces of art, and then going to dinner to a West Coast iconic fast-food restaurant. These kinds of experiences are those that I can’t do back in my city, so are the ones that I enjoy the most.

Picture taken and edited by me

Picture taken and edited by me

Picture taken and edited by me

Picture taken and edited by me (So yummy!)

Picture taken and edited by Clara Miramón

Picture taken by Clara Miramón

Picture taken and edited by Clara Miramón

Picture taken and edited by Clara Miramón


Ines Ayrault Montero
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