
One morning about a month ago I woke up and I realized that I had less than two months left in San Francisco and I hadn’t travelled at all. All semester I have been so focused on my studies because I have really enjoyed my classes and felt very privileged to be able to take classes that I couldn’t at home, but that also meant that I had been very hesitant to take time out of my schedule to travel.

So, I sat down with my calendar and found possible open slots for travelling. I then looked at a map of The States to find places that I could go to in under two hours by plane. I looked at Seattle and Portland and asked one of my friends back home, where she thought I should go. Turns out, a couple of years ago she worked as a stripper in Portland for a while, so she actually had friends there that I could stay with. So, I booked my tickets and went to Portland for an extended weekend. I stayed with my friend’s friend Hazel in their queer punk collective and I had the most fun!

They were such a good host and took me to this amazing Hawaii themed karaoke bar, to a diner and bar that looked like something outa Florida in th 70’s and out hiking. If you ever go to Portland I highly recommend you go hiking in Silver Falls. It’s this beautiful National Park with waterfalls. Some of the waterfalls you can actually go under. It is an amazing sight with witchy fog all over. I can also really recommend Alibi bar, that karaoke place is the most fun I have had for so long. We didn’t actually end up going to any strip clubs, even though my friend had told me to go to her old workplace. Next time!

I really hope I get to go back to Portland some day! Unfortunately, I can’t upload any pictures as ive wrecked my phone, but youll just have to trust me, that it was amazing!

Maria Pedersen
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