Qbar mondays!

I was thinking of bars and clubs I’ve tried out while I’ve been here in San Francisco, and one of the first places I thought about was definitely Qbar. Not to say the least, Qbar on Mondays!

if any of you have missed it, IEEC has an event for all of us international students to go to Qbar every Monday. In the beginning of the semester I didn’t go because I have school on tuesdays, but for a few weeks ago I tried it anyways, and wow! It was so much fun, there was a lot of students from IEEC there which was really fun. But I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet: 1 DOLLAR DRINKS! (until 12). But really, can you even believe it? It is so nice, and since it is so cheap you can just go there and buy one or two drinks, talk to some people and then go home again. So I really recommend everyone to come on the next Monday and dance the night away at Qbar!


Emma Malmsten
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