Rethinking my role at SFSU

As I’ve said in past blogs, I’ve really enjoyed blogging this semester but as 2019 rolls around, I feel I am ready for a new commitment! Here are some of the ones I am considering…
I love meeting new people and as fun as blogging is, we don’t have much of a sense of community so I feel getting close with people over a semester and helping others learn about the IEEC and all the events we have would be really fun!
University rep
There is only a couple of other people from the University of Dundee here, so I’d love to represent not only my university but also Scotland. Since being in America, I’ve felt a new sense of pride for my country and I’d really enjoy encouraging others to study abroad.
Only a few people get this commitment, so I’d feel super privileged to get this role but I love taking photos and since I’d like continue writing, photos can go quite nicely with captions.
Are you planning on changing your commitment? Or do you want to carry on? Let me know below (or not, no pressure). 
Patrick Sproull
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