The Big Apple

Hi there!

I hope you had a lovely thanksgiving with your friends and family and were able to enjoy your days off. As Thanksgiving is not something we celebrate in Holland, I stayed within the states and decided to go to NYC with Janine. Not only were we able to see the Macy’s parade in NYC (!!), we also celebrated ‘friendsgiving’ with some other IEEC friends in the evening, in San Francisco.

Janine and I had both been to NYC before and loved going there again. However, we felt as if NYC was less impressive than the first time we went as we were already more used to the American concepts of billboards and skyscrapers. Spoiled, I know! However, this did make us realize that we already kind of integrating. Which is time by now, as we are already almost leaving, haha!

NYC still is a lovely city and if you have never been there before I would definitely recommend going. Moreover, I’d like to wish all the fall IEEC exchange students a lovely last few weeks here in SF before we all head home again. I’m going to miss all of you!

On the MET steps (xoxo, Gossip girl!)

Christmas can never start too early, right?



P.S. Is everyone going to the End of the Year Masquerade Gala?? Cause I think we should ;)

Julie van Loef
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