The foods I miss from home

Dutch food is not exactly ‘high cuisine’, but the Netherlands does have some very tasty foods and dishes. In this blog post I’ll discuss some of the foods I miss, especially when cooked by my mother ;).


Hutspot is made out of boiled and mashed potatoes, carrots and onions. You serve it with gravy and a meat ball or some other type of meat. It is simple, yet very delicious.Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hutspot


I absolutely love Dutch bread! We always have fresh whole wheat bread at home and I didn’t know how much bread I ate until I came to the US. The bread here is not fresh most of the times as it is supposed to be toasted and it tastes sweet. Afbeeldingsresultaat voor brood


The Netherlands is known for cheese and I also am a huge cheese fan, especially fresh, young 48+ cheese. It’s incomparable to the cheddar I often encounter in the US. Dutch cheese is amazing, particularly on the Dutch bread I mentioned before.Afbeeldingsresultaat voor kaas


Kruidnoten are small, round, crispy cookies. They get their particular flavor from all sorts of spices, such as pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamon and nutmeg.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor kruidnoten

Aimee Kniese
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