Things I’ll miss about SF & SF state

Hi there!

As this is my last month in SF, I was thinking about all the stuff I am going to miss here. Things I am thankful for and things I love! What are you going to miss? This is my list, you might recognize some things or you might think differently about whether I should really miss it ;).

I’m going to miss KuKu Charlie. You might recognize him as the man in a scootmobile, driving around Union Square, always blasting good music and having a fun time.

I’m going to miss the conspiracy theories Americans sometimes come up with. I was in class last week when all of the sudden a cell Phone company was the evil behind the wildfires.

I’m going to miss people holding the door for you.

I’m going to miss the TGIT’s, which always end up creating a lot of gossip and a lot of regrets.. and fun!

I’m going to miss my friends here (love all of you!)

I’m going to miss the awesome sea, dolphins, whales, bridges and trees.

I’m going to miss being able to go to the SFSU gym just to spend time in the jacuzzi.

I’m going to miss the ‘hungover’ fridays, in which my friends and I would end up exploring the city.

I’m going to miss sharing a room with Janine & Juliette, which felt like a 5 month big sleepover party.

I’m going to miss sharing a house with Anna & Sarah, who always surprise me with their spontaneity and jokes.

I’m going to miss the very shitty fratparties SF has to offer.

I’m going to miss the travelling I’ve been doing.

I’m going to miss the weird traditions and awesome culture SF has, from Halloween to SantaCon to the inspiring Dia de Los Muertos.

I’m going to miss going to Trader Joe’s.

I’m going to miss seeing the guys who walk around Castro with glitter socks on – and no, not on their feet.

I’m going to miss my awesome classes.

I’m going to miss the Mission burritos.

I’m going to miss long walks to Fort Funston or Lands End.

I’m going to miss that it’s never cold.

I’m going to miss you!

And lastly, I’ll miss these awesome palm trees.




Julie van Loef
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