What I WON’T miss about SF

With only 2 weeks of classes left, I’m becoming emotional about leaving my experience abroad behind. I’m very certain that I will miss all the people I’ve met here, the city of San Francisco and the classes I took here. To cheer myself up a bit and make myself excited about going home again, I compiled a list of things that I’m not going to miss about San Francisco.

  1. The buses that just kind of come and go whenever they like, never stick to a schedule and always have that one token weirdo on board that keeps making random sounds for no apparent reason.
  2. Weather that changes every 10 seconds. Sure, there’s sun every now and then, but you can never leave the house without bringing both sunglasses and a winter jacket.
  3. The price for food. It’s just… too much.
  4. The price for drinks. And also that you have to spend 20 dollars minimum when you’re paying with a creditcard at Playland. For some reason I always still decide to order drinks with my creditcard there.
  5. How you can never walk anywhere, because the city is just too big. As a bike-obsessed Dutch person, it really took some time for me to adjust, but I have now fully adapted to the Lyft-life.
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