As my semester is coming to its end, I would like to write some conclusive words in this blog for the future exchange student and summarize briefly my time in SF. Dear students, I promise you that at one point during the semester you will...

While writing this blog, I sit in the SFSU library for the last time in my life probably. Because today is my last day of classes, the assignments are done, the finals are all behind me - the semester is almost done. It is difficult...

Hey, have you ever heard about POPOS of SF? Privately-owned public open spaces (POPOS) are publicly accessible spaces in forms of plazas, terraces, atriums, small parks, and even snippets which are provided and maintained by private developers. The only thing is that there places are neither obvious...

Howdy from Texas! My goal during the exchange semester in San Francisco is to see and visit as many places in the US as I can and now, after almost four months I can say that I have seen quit a lot. My last adventure was...

If you are running out of ideas how to spend your day in SF, maybe the following blog will be an inspiration to you. It was a sunny Sunday in San Francisco, when my friend picked me up early in the morning. We started our day...

If your passion is life-music and you enjoy visiting concerts, you have many opportunities in the Bay Area to do it. Here are four suggestions from my site:  1. “The Fillmore” is a popular location for indie-music and an absolute must to see if you haven't been....

Hey guys, Have you ever heard about "Sofar-Sound" concerts?  You would love it if you like extraordinary events and exploring new music bands. Sofar-Sounds idea is to throw intimate concert in secret venues, like in galleries, theaters etc. The rooms are always pretty small, cozy, you can bring...

I always wanted to go to Hawaii, I mean who does’n?! The Thanksgiving break was the opportunity for me to make the dream come true. So my friend and me booked the flights, a hostel and flew to the island O’ahu. O’ahu is one of...