A few weeks ago my friends and I went to Coachella because this is probably the only chance we'll have, being international students, and it seemed like a damn good way of escaping from approaching finals. In the days leading up to it there was a...

Honestly, this is a bit of a bizarre post to write but, genuinely, one of my favourite discoveries in my year abroad here in San Francisco has been Chipotle. I know a lot of locals have a lot of horror stories about it - everyone...

Going home is a stressful time. I’ve written about how I will spend my time at home and how I want to succeed in the spring term, but I think I will need to wrap my head around coming and going. Change makes me very...

I've been thinking a lot about what awaits in the spring semester so despite the fact it's Christmas and we've still got the new year to get to, I thought I'd give my tips to get in the spring term mood. 1. Throw yourself into the...

I've been considering what to do before I go home for Christmas, in my last week before San Francisco. Admittedly, it is finals week but I've been finding time to do what makes me happy here, and I thought I'd pass on what's worked for...

I’m going home in less than a week and it's been a weird thing to consider. On the one hand, words can't express how excited I am to see my cat again (and others) but I love my life here in San Francisco, and I'm...

As I've said in past blogs, I've really enjoyed blogging this semester but as 2019 rolls around, I feel I am ready for a new commitment! Here are some of the ones I am considering...

So, we're in the throes of finals but since the new year is just a few weeks away I thought I would share my new year’s resolutions with you. I don’t usually make resolutions, but San Francisco has made me re-evaluate a lot of aspects...

So, I hope finals are going well. Things are probably pretty stressful right now but I thought I'd give you an idea of the revision habits I have. Find a good spot. If you like silence, the fourth-floor reading room is one of my favorite...

As most of us are heading home for Christmas (usually via plane) none of us want to pay those nasty heavy bag fees at the airport so here are five tips to help you out: 1. Roll everything up, you can fit far more in this...